two capital r's with religion in revolt written through them

America’s religion problem

At the end of his first autobiography, Frederick Douglass attached an appendix that had seemingly little to do with his life story. In it he wrote, “I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land.” It was an abolitionist polemic against the Christianity of slaveholders, urging them to see the hypocrisy of their ways and ground their faith in the pursuit of justice.

Religion in Revolt is an intellectual descendent of that project. We are building an intentionally interfaith community and platform committed to disrupting the deeply repressive, white supremacist forces that have a near monopoly claim on contemporary, American religious life. 

Faith traditions don’t just fall out of the sky complete. They’re also cultural products that both shape and reflect back the values of believers. Religion in Revolt is a multimedia, interfaith social justice platform committed to highlighting and building with artists, advocates & community organizers, and thinkers whose faith inspires liberatory action. 

People who make meaning and community in religious institutions need to know that things can be otherwise, and that they have been. Together we’ll cultivate public theologies of liberation across traditions that can empower us as we fight for our lives, our freedom, and the earth.

Join us as we roll out Religion in Revolt over the next nine months, starting with our weekly newsletter, which launches Wednesday, July 12. Over time, we’ll produce digital and print publications, a podcast, and curate community gatherings. 

America has a fascism problem because it has a religion problem. People of faith need to do something about that.

In solidarity,

Olga & Dwayne